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Safer recruitment


Module updated!

This module has been updated in line with the latest Keeping Children Safe in Education guidance on 02/09/24.

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At a glance

This module is designed to fulfill the compliance obligations of governors and trustees who have been asked to appear on a recruitment panel.

You will cover:

preparing to recruit
selecting the right people
choosing wisely
checking thoroughly
remaining vigilant
Study time

75 minutes

Certificate upon completion

Module description

Safer Recruitment is a statutory duty for all schools to undertake when recruiting new members of staff. It is in place to ensure the welfare of the children and should be a continual process of improvement.

Its function is to ensure that anyone who works with children is not a risk and that those who are barred from working with children are deterred from applying or rejected from the process.

The module is broken down into three units:

Unit 1: Setting the scene

In this unit you will find out what safer recruitment is, why it is important and the legal duties, policies and procedures of governance. You will also have the opportunity to refresh your memory about types of abuse and be introduced to the Redpen Academy story arc.

Unit 2: The recruitment process

In this unit you will find about the recruitment process stages and what things you as a governor need to remember. Although you might not be involved in parts of the recruitment process, because you have a HR function, you still need to understand the process to be able to challenge it. Ideally, you should have a part in the selection and interviewing process.

Unit 3: Maintaining a safer culture

In this unit you will is to explore what happens after an appointment is made, how to maintain a safer culture and the role of governance in shaping the culture. 

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    Who developed this module?

    Monica Juan

    NGA consultant

    Monica has more than 15 years of governance experience mainly as a chair, serves as a trustee in a Northamptonshire MAT and is a National Leader of Governance. Having been a Local Authority Governance Support Adviser for many years, she is now Head of Governance and Safeguarding for a large Midlands MAT where her remit includes developing and facilitating governance training. Monica is also a Safer Recruitment accredited trainer with The Lucy Faithfull Foundation.

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