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Governing board evaluation

Understanding independent review panels

Ensure competent and effective involvement in Independent Review Panels (IRP). This course will equip you with the essential skills, knowledge and understanding to fulfil your role ensure legal requirements are met. 

Training & development
Session 1: 14 May 2025 9.30-11.30am | Session 2: 15/05/2025 9.30-11.30am
Man pointing out something in meeting
Event date
Session 1: 14 May 2025 9.30-11.30am | Session 2: 15/05/2025 9.30-11.30am

At a glance

The law requires independent review panel (IRP) members, chairs, and clerks to complete suitable training to ensure they can review school exclusion decisions effectively. Designed for IRP members and chairs, IRP clerks and those in academy trusts and local authorities responsible for arranging IRPs this training provides essential understanding of the relevant law, procedure and practice of IRPs ensuring that you are able to confidently and effectively fulfil your role and meet all legal requirements. For headteachers, governors and SEN experts attending IRPs the course provides the opportunity to develop a clear understanding of what to expect and how to make an effective contribution on the day.

This session will cover:

  • The current context for IRPs
  • Understanding the legal framework for IRPs
  • Ensuring procedural fairness: DfE statutory guidance requirements, natural justice and human rights law
  • Compliance with equality law and SEN considerations
  • Using relevant case law
  • The headteacher’s decision to exclude: meeting legal and procedural requirements
  • The governing board review stage: fulfilling the duty correctly
  • Roles, responsibilities and duties of IRP members, chair and clerks
  • Arranging and supporting compliant IRPs
  • Running an effective IRP meeting
  • Presenting the case: expectations of headteachers, governors and SEN experts
  • Managing difficult situations
  • Ensuring sound decision-making
  • Recording of proceedings and communication of decision

Duration 4 hours (Two sessions of 2 hours each)

about this course

Who is this suitable for?

  • IRP members
  • IRP clerks
  • IRP chairs
  • Headteachers governors or others appearing at IRPs
  • SEN experts involved with IRPs
  • Those responsible for arranging IRPs in academy trusts and local authorities and governance support services
  • Individuals looking to enhance their understanding of school exclusions and reduce the risk of successful governance review and IRP appeals

about this course

What are the benefits?

  • Fulfils the DfE’s requirement for IRP members, chairs and clerks to have completed appropriate training.
  • A certificate of attendance will be provided to attendees
  • Develops essential skills and knowledge needed to effectively fulfil IRP roles
  • An expert led interactive environment for discussion, application, and consolidation of learning

about this course

How will you learn?

This course will be delivered online via Zoom

  • Facilitated by a quality-assured NGA consultant with extensive IRP experience
  • Engaging and interactive format with participant activities, facilitator-led discussions, and case study application
  • Comprehensive session materials including case study, scenarios and key IRP document templates to reinforce learning, test understanding and promote good practice

Member price

£ 95

Members' discount applies. If you are booking with the members' discount, please have your trust's postcode ready for filling the booking form.

Non-member price

£ 145

George Craig

Meet the trainer

George Craig is an NGA consultant with extensive experience in IRPs. He has served as an IRP panel member and chair on many occasions and, as headteacher and governor, has presented cases to IRPs. He also has considerable experience as chair of governing board exclusion panels. In his consultant role George also conducts external reviews of governance and delivers training for academy trusts and schools. He has many years of experience as an education consultant, supporting school improvement, advice and guidance. He holds the National Professional Qualification in Executive Leadership (NPQEL). George has governed primary and secondary schools and university technical colleges in both maintained and academy sectors. He has chaired Interim Executive Boards and has expertise in special school experience. He was also a designated National Leader of Governance.

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