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Monitoring & outcomes

Holding to account: how to question and challenge


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At a glance

This module explores how you and your board currently operate and how to question until you get a satisfactory response. It also asks when a courageous conversation might be needed.

You will cover:

the role of the governing board in effective challenge
the types of questions governing boards should ask
when a courageous conversation is needed
Study time

15 minutes

Certificate upon completion

Module description

Two of the governance core functions are focused on supporting the senior executive leader and their team through robust accountability. This means asking challenging questions and even having a courageous conversation when necessary. It is relevant whether monitoring school improvement strategy or checking on compliance matters.

Understanding what is expected and how to do it effectively is therefore critical part of the governance role.

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    • “Good questions and scenarios”

      User review

    • “Although we are on track, this module has boosted my confidence to ask challenging questions.”


      User review

    • “Very interactive. Engaging. Liked the voiceover/narration. Downloadable resources helpful.”

      User review

      Who developed this module?

      Paul Aber

      Paul Aber

      Head of Training Development

      Paul leads and manages NGA’s face-to-face training, e-learning and development programmes. This includes recruiting, training and managing NGA’s team of consultants and trainers. Paul has many years’ experience of governance, including in maintained schools and academy trusts.

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