Governing board evaluation
Self-evaluation for governing boards
The DfE’s Governance Handbook advises boards to evaluate themselves on a routine basis and the Academy Trust Handbook also recommends a wide programme of self assessment and improvement.
Training & development

NGA recommends that governing boards self-evaluate annually to help them:
- deliver their core functions in an effective, ethical and accountable way
- assure compliance
- continuously improve so achieving better outcomes for pupils
NGA’s online board self-evaluation
The online board self-evaluation uses NGA’s question sets which cover key areas of practice, including board culture and practice, structure, core functions and impact.
The self-evaluation is completed by all board members, senior executive leaders, and the governance professional and includes:
- guidance on how to set up and run the self-evaluation
- guidance about how to analyse your evaluation reports
- a template governance action plan
- an optional mentor session with an NGA governance consultant
The self-evaluation question sets include:
- 20 questions for single school governing boards
- 21 questions for multi academy trust boards
- 16 questions for academy committees (local governing bodies)
Whole MAT self-evaluation package
MATs can purchase a whole MAT self-evaluation package by adding the following question sets to their board self-evaluation order:
An additional cost of £110
An additional cost of: £795 for up to 10 LGBs £1,100 for 11-20 LGBs £1,750 for 21-30 LGBs £2,300 for 31 or more LGBs
NGA will set up the self-evaluation after the payment has been made.