Governance monitoring: a tool to help drive improvement

At a glance
This module will help you to assess how well you currently undertake monitoring as part of your governance role, and identify what you can do to make it even better.
You will cover:
10 minutes
Module description
Any monitoring you undertake as a governor or trustee should be about seeking reassurance that operational activity is realising the vision set by those who govern, by checking that the ethos and culture of your school(s) is as intended, and that policies are being implemented effectively.
This module is a short audit tool to help you write an action plan to ensure that your monitoring is as effective as possible.
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Who developed this module?

Emma Balchin
Chief Executive
Emma has over 25 years of experience in education, leadership and school improvement and in leading professional development services. Emma has also governed and chaired across maintained schools, academy trusts and local academy committees.