External reviews of governance
An external review of governance provides an objective expert review of your governance practices and their effectiveness. It is a supportive developmental process, not an audit or inspection. The DfE recommend that MATs undertake an ERG every three years.Â

The review identifies your board’s strengths as well as areas for development, providing a roadmap for improvement. NGA has completed hundreds of reviews for multi academy trusts, single academy trusts, maintained school governing bodies and federations. We provide a cost effective service for maintained schools, and work with trusts and federations to define the foci for the review and provide a bespoke service to meet your needs.
Consists of:
- Review of evidence of governance effectiveness
- Review of the governance team and their processes
- Governance compliance review
- Board self-review
- Interviews and observations
A comprehensive report and meeting or development workshop that helps the board understand its current performance and recommendations on how to develop.
We recommend a progress review after 12 months.
Contact us and discover how our consultancy service can elevate your board's effectiveness.