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School & trust leaders

Executive appraisal support

The performance of your executive leader is fundamental to your organisation’s success. Governing boards have responsibility for reviewing the performance of the organisation’s executive leader (principal, CEO, headteacher) usually through a small committee, supported by an educational expert.

training three people taking notes from same laptop

Our service

Our consultant supports you through the whole appraisal process, adding value by exploring context, the organisation’s vision and strategy and gathering a holistic objective view of the organisation’s performance and the executive’s role in leading the organisation.
This comprehensive service includes:

  • A list of documents to be provided allowing the consultant to prepare for the appraisal day
  • Separate meetings on the day with the executive and committee to explore holistically last years performance and potential objectives for the coming year
  • A joint meeting with all parties to agree the appraisal and set measurable objectives, agree personal development targets and discuss the executives wellbeing
  • A written record of the meetings and agreed outcomes

Our impact

  • Reassurance that your executive’s appraisal is completed in a fair and professional manner
  • Setting SMART objectives for your executive that support the development of your organisation.

Most clients are so pleased with our service, they book us again for the following year.

Contact us and find out more

Contact us and discover how our consultancy service can elevate your board's effectiveness.

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