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School & trust leaders

Executive appraisal support

NGA consultants serve as external advisors to boards for evaluating the performance of headteachers or CEOs and setting future objectives. We ensure the consultant's expertise is well-matched to your board's specific needs.

training three people taking notes from same laptop

Consists of (flexible):

  • A pre-meeting with the chair of the executive performance committee to scope the project and request required documentation.
  • A meeting with the executive leader
  • A meeting with the performance committee
  • A joint meeting with both parties to agree the appraisal and targets for the coming year
  • Notes on what was agreed (following your performance management policy)


A comprehensive and objective performance management process guided by an expert.

  • In fact it is the clearest one we have had to date, helped by the format you have used and so helps me to ensure we stay on track


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