Arts, culture and creativity: improving your school or trust and its curriculum

At a glance
This inspiring, CPD accredited module provides the opportunity for governors and trustees to develop their understanding of what arts and cultural education is and how it can support school improvement.
You will cover:
45 minutes
Module description
This module focuses on six key areas where schools can use arts and cultural education to improve outcomes: a broad and balanced curriculum; school community and parental engagement; health and wellbeing; spiritual, moral, social and cultural development; social mobility; developing life skills; and employability skills.
Through case study videos and self evaluation questions, it provides the information and tools to enable governors and trustees to influence, develop and inform the role arts and culture play within school and to support a more strategic approach including through the use of programmes like Artsmark Award and Arts Award.
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Who developed this module?
This module has been developed in partnership with Arts Council England.