DfE to remove teachers' performance pay
Emma Knights discusses the Department's decision to end performance-related pay for teachers.

Today the Department for Education (DfE) has published its initial report on reducing workload for school leaders and teachers. There are many other issues under discussion by the taskforce, and a final report is planned for the Spring.
One of the key changes is that the requirement to use performance-related pay (PRP) should be removed from September: this has been accepted by the DfE.
Emma Knights, NGA's Co-chief executive“Emma Balchin and I are pleased to have been part of the taskforce that made the recommendation to remove the need for PRP: introduced ten years ago, it has proved to be a bureaucratic burden to leaders and teachers without any obvious benefits. This is a welcome change.
NGA encourages governing boards to consider staff workload and wellbeing as one of their trust’s or school’s strategic priorities. There is also a timely reminder from the taskforce and the minister for schools of the Education staff wellbeing charter: please do have a look if your school or trust has not signed up yet.
Useful discussions are continuing and we very much hope that in its final report, the taskforce will make a significant contribution to reducing teachers’ and leaders’ working week.”
The DfE has published an explanation of the education staff wellbeing charter and the benefits of using it.