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Policies & procedures

Governor and trustee expenses

Find out why governing boards should have an expenses policy and what the policy should include.


NGA recommends that all governors and trustees are reimbursed for their out-of-pocket expenses as a way of making governance inclusive to all. This should be budgeted for by the school or trust.

Governors and trustees are volunteers and so do not receive payment to carry out their governing duties, or to cover loss of earnings for attending meetings. However, they may be paid allowances or expenses to cover costs incurred while carrying out their role, such as travel and childcare costs.

Reimbursement is made in line with a policy approved by the governing board.

  • At local-authority maintained schools, a policy is required as the mechanism for reimbursing governors and associate members.
  • Academy trusts have more flexibility, although we advise them to draw up and approve a policy for reimbursing the expenses of both trustees and those governing at local level.

This page summarises what the expenses policy should include.

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